Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Jill talks about how we are still "in development", we are not the solution to Earth's "perfect creation", we are still evolving. This made me think of the evolution of mankind on Earth...

Which made me think of the evolution of another kind, on other planets. Given that the human race has adapted to the Earth's environment, I think that other species or Aliens exist on other planets, and have learned to "adapt" to their planet's environment also. Why can't life on other planets exist? Lack of carbon or water? Well who says that these elements are essential in life on other planets? Maybe they have "adapted" to not need those things but rely on something else. Maybe they have a whole new Periodic Table with elements that are essential in their lives. So I was thinking...

I could make charts like these (evolution of man), that instead are concepts of "aliens" that could live on other planets, whose bodies have adapted to withstand their environments!

... good idea or bad?

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