So there are a lot of videos here, two of them, the page turning and the page animation are videos that I meant to upload last time around, but forgot to. I made 2 loops from the book tape videos, they could just be animated .gifs at some point. And there's another video that I shamelessly downloaded from my instagram.
In thinking about how I'd like to present these shorter videos and loops in an exhibition setting I started thinking about them being part of the installed performance space. So that in the gallery a version of my usual performance space (painted tile floorpiece, shelf, stool) that you can see in the past videos, plus monitors (or ereaders, if I can manage) cycle through these videos. I think since I reference these videos as a sort of porn, and the performances are to some degree about fetishism, or intimacy, they should be viewed as a singular(ish) unit. I'm also still interested in the notion of projecting the performance videos onto the installed performance space during the times that I'm not performing.
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